Communications Basics Free Communications Resources

The Weekly Bulletin

Every church has one, sometimes we call them bulletins, sometimes we call them newsletters or programs. And some churches even have some creative name for it that ties it to their brand.

In this article I want to give you a few ideas on how to improve and maybe simplify your weekly bulletin to make the most efficient use of your time as a pastor or church admin while giving those who pick up the bulletin a better experience. And then I’ll provide you with a few templates for you to try out if you’d like!

Communications Basics Free Communications Resources

Fonts for Churches

Before I start listing out some of my favorite font resources I want to give a little introduction to fonts and how to use them:

  1. If you have a brand guide that includes font usage directions, make sure to follow those.
  2. If you don’t have a brand guide or a brand font, you need to choose one. (I’d be happy to help you choose one if you don’t have a designer in your church who can help you find the right one for your brand. Shoot me an email at [email protected])
  3. There are different kinds of fonts that are designed for different uses: