Without Compromise.

You don’t need to compromise your ecclesiology to create a compelling church communication strategy.

Tools of the Trade

Using current technologies to support your church’s vision — not replace it.

Free resources for your church!

Consulting Work


Your website is like your digital front door. So it needs to be welcoming and helpful for those who are new to your church. Plus its a powerful tool for building up the body with great resources!


Social Media is not just a great place to promote in-person events and services, it’s a place to build digital community where your church can encourage one another, reach out to their friends and engage with the church in meaningful ways.


Your branding is more than just a logo—though a great logo is an important place to start—it’s a huge part of how your organization will be perceived by newcomers, your community and even your members and attenders.


Great photos, videos, articles and other forms of story that tell about the people and ministries within your church are powerful tools in encouraging your church as they see how God is working. This can help them see how God might want to use them!

Let’s talk!

My fee is flexible based on what your church can afford. I’m doing this for the good of the Church, not for the money.